حلول قانونية 920003498 info@lsl.sa

Liquidation of Estate

We are characterized by distinguished experiences in the liquidation of inheritances in accordance with the provisions of Sharia inheritance, starting with:


  • Issuance of the heirs listing deed and completing all the necessary procedures for dividing the inheritance according to the legal rules and giving each heir his legal share of the inheritance according to the principles of the application of the inheritance whereas the Legal Solutions Company has the necessary know-how for the procedures of division between the heirs in accordance with the provisions of Sharia inheritance whether the liquidation is consensual or judicial through the competent court t, listing of heirs, determination of inheritance, sorting of shares and quotas
  • Transferring of family entities with present properties and assets and transferring them to the new owners of eligible heirs in accordance with the legal shares and in accordance with the commercial and administrative assets and governance of companies.
  • Processing and updating personal and corporate real estate deeds as well as joint real estate and common real estate between heirs and between heirs and third parties inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi .Arabia
  • Updating, modifying and transferring the ownership of assets and movable property to the current owners, whether in companies or personal movables and following up the transfer of ownership procedures with competent authorities

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